Thursday, August 11, 2011

The One Month Mark

As of today I have officially lived in the city for one month. While it hasn't really been that long, it feels like I left Texas six months ago. Much to my parent's dismay, I'm no where near homesick. I miss people and things about Texas, but I would not go back and change my decision to move here. Since living here, I have learned a lot and experienced even more. Some of it is trivial, while other parts are significant to my survival.

There have been nights where I have had a blast and nights where (if I cried) I wanted to cry myself to sleep. There were days I didn't think I could walk another block without dying and days where I walked for about three hours for the fun of it. There have been times where I love temping and times I feel like a loser for not having a real job. There are days I have loved being independent and days I hated not having my close friends by my side. There are times I love meeting new people and times when it's even worse to tell some people I have met bye. There are moments I just want to be completely alone and moments when I want to have a ton of people around. Sometimes I question what I was thinking moving to this huge city all alone and then know it's exactly where I am supposed to be.

While none of this may be of any importance to most, it has all been huge for me. It has helped me actually deal with my emotions and feelings (which is huge for me). I have realized not knowing what comes next is actually a great adventure instead of some scary unknown. I have gained an inner strength that has helped me become more confident in my life here. I have realized there are still great guys out there and sometimes they show up when you least expect it. I have once again been reminded that God always knows better than I do and whatever is supposed to happen will.

I look back at this past month and can't believe it flew by so quickly. I could have never predicted half the things that happened to me, but wouldn't change any of them. I can't wait to see what life has to offer this coming month.

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